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Flounder Bay Yacht Club 2022 Policy Statement


ORGANIZATION: The Flounder Bay Yacht Club is an auxiliary of the Skyline Marine Condominium Association, Division 18 (SMCA#18). SMCA#18 has authority over FBYC and has the final say in all matters, as they represent the owners. Every boat moored in SMCA#18 is required to have liability insurance. It is the responsibility of the owner of the moorage to notify the tenant of this requirement.
ANNUAL MEETING: The FBYC Annual Meeting and Election of Officers shall be held in October at a time and place designated by the FBYC Bridge members.
ELECTIONS: Elections and all other voting must be done in person at a meeting of FBYC. There shall be no proxies. There shall be one vote per membership.
OFFICER’S FLAG PROCEDURE: Flag Officers (Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, and Fleet Captain) shall be presented with a new burgee as they enter office. Upon completion of their term in office, they shall be entitled to keep the burgee as a token of appreciation for their service.
CHANGING OF OFFICE: Upon voter approval of the incoming Bridge, the duly elected new officers will replace the outgoing officers. The outgoing Commodore will present the new Bridge with their flags. The outgoing Commodore will also present the vacating officers with the flags they used during their term in office.
RULES OF ORDER: Where not specifically governed by the provisions of these policies and/or by-laws of SMCA#18, Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall apply to the conduct of FBYC meetings.
The Yacht Club Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Yacht Club and shall exercise all powers of the Yacht Club. There shall be 10 Directors. These Directors shall include the four flag officers: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, and Fleet Captain, and six others consisting of Immediate Past Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Condo 18 Liaison, and Director at large. Flag Officers, the Immediate Past Commodore, the Treasurer, and the Secretary do not have to be owners of moorage but must be members in good standing.
COMMODORE: The Commodore shall chair all meetings of the general membership and the Board, shall appoint all committees and be an ex-officio member of all committees. In coordination with the Vice Commodore and the Fleet captain, the Commodore shall send monthly emails to inform members of events, updates, and important Club business. The Commodore’s term shall be one year, followed by one year as Immediate Past Commodore.
VICE COMMODORE: It shall be the duty of the Vice Commodore to assist the Commodore in discharging the duties of that office. In absence of the Commodore, the Vice Commodore shall perform the duties of Commodore. The Vice Commodore shall be responsible for the land-side social activities of the Yacht Club, and shall inform members of events by email, including an email reminder sent the week prior to an event. Scheduled land-side activities include:
The Opening Day Deck Party (first weekend of May), the Closing Day Deck party (second Saturday of October), and the December Decorating Party (the first weekend in December)
Potlucks (second Sunday of the month, November through April)
Sunday Happy Hours (May through September)
The Vice Commodore is responsible for keeping the galley stocked with plasticware, plates, napkins, glasses, coffee and coffee cups, tea, sugar (and sugar substitute), salt, pepper, dish towels, washcloths, sponges, dish soap, hand soap, name tags, etc. Receipts for supplies shall be given to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
The Vice Commodore will solicit volunteers, by email and by announcements at events, for shore-based activities, and will provide a sign-up sheet for shore-side activities. The sheet will be left in the clubhouse in a convenient location. The Vice Commodore may also suggest and organize additional shore-based events.
The Vice Commodore shall present a report of activities of the past year at the Annual Meeting in October. The Vice Commodore’s term is one year, followed by a year as Commodore and one year as Immediate Past Commodore.
IMMEDIATE PAST COMMODORE: The Immediate Past Commodore’s term is one year. The Immediate Past Commodore shall support the Vice Commodore and Commodore in the discharge of their duties.
REAR COMMODORE: It shall be the duty of the Rear Commodore to assist the Commodore and Vice Commodore in the discharge of their duties. The Rear Commodore shall be responsible for the Reciprocal Yacht Club Program, which includes sending yearly reciprocal agreements to other yacht clubs. The Rear Commodore shall be responsible for collecting moorage funds from the honor box and forwarding them with explanation to the Treasurer. The Rear Commodore shall provide a yearly report of all reciprocal activities of the past year at the Annual Meeting.
FLEET CAPTAIN: The Fleet Captain and the FBYC Bridge together shall draft a cruise schedule with a minimum of three scheduled cruises per year.
It shall be the duty of the Fleet captain to coordinate the boating activities of the Yacht Club. The Fleet Captain will solicit a Cruise Coordinator for each cruise. The Fleet Captain shall have the Cruise Coordinator maintain a list of participating boats, coordinate with marinas (where necessary), be the contact boat by VHF or cell phone as members arrive, and plan the gatherings and activities. Cruise Coordinator activities shall not be required for a cruise with fewer than five boats.
The Fleet Captain shall promote the cruise via emails to the members, maintain communication with cruisers in the event there is no Cruise Coordinator, and present a Cruise report at the Annual Meeting in October.
Individual Club members may promote/support additional cruises on an ad hoc basis.
SECRETARY: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all proceedings of the Yacht Club and the Bridge. The Secretary shall email the minutes to all Club members after Bridge approval. The Secretary will keep a file of documents, records, communications, and other matters connected with Yacht Club business.
ROSTER: The roster shall be produced by a Bridge-appointed FBYC member, who shall receive roster information from the Membership Director. The Bridge-appointed FBYC member shall develop, publish, and distribute a roster book of the membership. The roster shall include the name, address(s), phone number(s), and e-mail address(s) of each member, and shall list the boat name, type, length, and slip number. The roster shall be e-mailed in PDF format to each member by the first week of February. Dated membership cards shall be mailed to all members. Printed rosters will be mailed to members who request a hard copy from the Membership Director.



MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: The Membership Director shall send out and receive membership applications and verify that the requirements for membership have been met. Those requirements include one of the following:
1.    Slip ownership
2.    Permanent rental of a slip (not just seasonal)
3.    Qualifies for absentee membership
The Membership Director shall mail out to all absentee members an application for membership by September 1st of each year and shall mail out the notices of membership acceptance to the absentee members by November 1st of each year. When all requirements have been met, the Membership Director shall forward the new member’s information to the Secretary, Webmaster, and Commodore, and shall forward the dues check to the Treasurer. The Membership Director shall purchase name tags and burgees and deliver them by the most convenient method to the new member. The Membership Director will present a report of membership statistics at the Annual Meeting.
TREASURER: The Treasurer shall deposit all incoming funds and disperse funds as approved by the Bridge, be a signer on the FBYC checking account, keep accurate records of all funds and transactions, prepare a written report on the financial status of F
BYC for presentation at General, Annual, and Bridge meetings, and prepare and present the annual budget to the Bridge.
SMCA#18 LIAISON/DIRECTOR: The SMCA#18 Liaison/Director maintains contact with the SMCA#18 Board of Directors regarding the on-going business of FBYC.
DIRECTOR AT LARGE: No defined duties
VACANCIES: The Flag Officers may progress through the chairs. Should a vacancy occur in the Flag Officers or other Bridge Officers, it may be filled by advancement through the chairs, or another member of FBYC may be appointed to fill the vacancy. These actions must be approved by a majority vote of the FBYC Bridge.
MEMBERSHIP POLICY: There are four categories of FBYC membership:
Owner members: Owners of Skyline Marine Condominium Division #18 are automatically members of the Flounder Bay Yacht Club. Upon termination of ownership, membership shall cease at the next FBYC Annual Meeting. Owner membership provides for two individuals. There shall be one membership card per individual. Each subsequent membership and card shall require an approved and paid application.
Annual Renter members: Permanent renters of moorage may be eligible for membership each year they rent a berth in SMCA#18.  Dues and eligibility for annual membership shall be determined by the FBYC Bridge. Upon termination of the rental agreement, membership shall cease at the next FBYC Annual Meeting. The first application for membership, when approved and paid, provides for two individuals and two membership cards. Each subsequent membership and card shall require an approved and paid application. Membership is not available to charters or a charter boat business. Burgees and nametags are available to FBYC members only. A burgee may be purchased for the tradition of exchanging burgees with other clubs.
Absentee members: A limited number of non-owner/non-renter members may be approved for each calendar year. Absentee members shall be reviewed by FBYC’s Bridge. All applications shall be presented to the SMCA#18 Board for final approval. FBYC shall mail applications to absentee members annually, in time to have the applications completed and presented to the SMCA#18 Board two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Absentee Membership Guidelines as set by SMCA#18 are:
1.    The applicant shall be a current or past Bridge officer, or
2.    The applicant has significantly contributed to FBYC activities during the past season, or
3.    The applicant demonstrates interest in significantly contributing to FBYC activities in the current season. Significant contributions might include sponsoring or co-sponsoring o-shore or off-shore events or helping in a meaningful way, not just attending events.
LIFETIME MEMBERS: Lifetime Memberships are awarded by SMCA#18.




Flag Etiquette

The United States flag is the senior flag and is flown on the ensign staff. Sailboats may sew their national flag to the leach of the mainsail on sloops or the mizzen on ketches or yawls. They may also use the after backstays of same. The United States yacht ensign (the 50-star field replaced by a fouled anchor in a circle of 13 stars) may replace the United States flag ONLY on U.S. Coast Guard-documented vessels and ONLY upon the territorial water of the U.S. The above colors are only made during daylight hours. Morning colors are made at 0800 hours March through October and are struck at sunset. The next most senior flag is the yacht club burgee. The burgee is flown at the main masthead or starboard halyard. Where there is no mast, then from the bow staff or over the wheelhouse. It may be left in position day and night. If the yachtsman is a member of more than one yacht club, it is customary to fly the burgee of the club at which his yacht is moored. It is incorrect for a yacht to display more than one club burgee. Next in order of seniority to be flown from the starboard halyard is the flag officer’s flag, past officer’s flag, the Power Squadron and/or Coast Guard Auxiliary flags, personal flags & signals and the foreign courtesy flag. In foreign waters it is a mark of courtesy (not required) to fly the ensign of the country being visited in the position described above.

Note: The foreign courtesy flag is flown only in foreign waters and is struck immediately upon returning to U.S. territorial waters. It is NEVER proper to fly any foreign ensign below the United States flag. Flag officer’s flags may be flown continuously day and night when the officer is on board or absent for short periods ashore. The port spreader is reserved for signal flags such as “pilot aboard,” “fueling,” “quarantine,” “dragging anchor,” etc.

* The above information was condensed from the Yachting Signal Book by J.R. Collier, Canadian Yacht Flags and Ensigns by Dr. McKenzie and the April 1992 Main-Sheet published by The Royal Victoria Yacht Club.

Reciprocal Moorage Agreements

Open an account at for more information Log onto, Click the “open account” button in the upper right-hand corner, follow the step by step instructions. When you log onto the site again the FBYC page will come up with all our reciprocal information.

Our Reciprocal Program is available by way of (see instructions above). This new system is much more accurate and up-to-date, not to mention packed with useful information to make your cruising safe and trouble free. Please give it a try. It is free of charge. If your planned cruise will not allow you internet connections, do a little homework before you go, search the participating clubs in the area you are going (easy to do) and print the information to keep on board. If you have favorites, check to make sure they are still partners and print their current information. You will find this new system quite beneficial for users and administrators…..Give it a try… And Go Cruise

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